Affordable Housing

With skyrocketing rents and mortgages, too many families and seniors on fixed incomes are facing homelessness. Anyone who works a full time job, or has retired from a lifetime of work shouldn’t have to wind up living on the street. That’s just wrong.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment that requires many solutions. We must not only increase the supply of housing, but incentivize developers to build more affordable housing by making sure we’re prioritizing on-going investments in the Housing Trust Fund.

An increasing number of housing units are now owned by out-of-state investors which is contributing to the sharp rise in rents and mortgages. We should be finding ways to ensure Arizonans are masters of their own property, not serfs in some out of state investor’s land holding.

Finally, the legislature needs to stop pre-empting cities from having a say in the widespread vacation rentals that have contributed to skyrocketing rents that price local hard-working Arizonans out of their own neighborhoods.