Why Won’t AZ Invest in Our Schools?

This budget season at the legislature, we have an astounding $5.3 billion in surplus revenue — Yes, that’s a billion with a B thanks in large part to an infusion of federal dollars from President Biden. But last Monday we were told we wouldn’t meet again until today Monday, 4/18, and so rumors have been swirling about what’s afoot.

  • Some say Republicans (who hold the majority by one vote, and so can construct our state budget in secret) are planning a “skinny budget” which would leave those billions on the table even while Arizonans face teacher, water, housing and other shortage crises.

  • Others report talk of a “grand bargain” that would fund K-12 education, but create the largest expansion of vouchers in state history to further privatize schools.

  • And then there’s the “Repeal and Replace” scheme in which Republicans intend to replace last year’s “Tax Cuts for the Wealthy” bill (that voters immediately referred to this November’s ballot) with a new version so that voters would NOT get to weigh in on those $2 Billion in tax cuts for mainly the richest Arizonans.

We just got a first draft today, so stay tuned. In the meantime, please read on to learn more about some of our most urgent needs.

My Top Priority

$900 Million for K-12 Education

The legislature’s failure to invest in education has left 25% of our students without a permanent, qualified teacher. And a qualified teacher is the most important factor in a classroom for determining student success.

That’s a big part of why Arizonans already mandated $900 Million more in K-12 funding when they passed Prop 208, but the will of the voters was blocked earlier this spring by Republicans.

I stand with Ariona voters. Business leaders, parents and teachers know we need that investment not only for young people, but also because we all do better when employers have a strong, educated workforce, and more people are contributing to lift the economy for all of us.

Yet, as AZCentral reporter Mary Jo Pitzl explains in her April 4 article, “Today, the state spends an average of $5,710 per student, compared to the $5,442 that was spent 14 years ago. That’s a 5% increase over the past decade and a half.”

Why Won't Arizona Invest in Our Schools

“Republicans  would crawl over broken glass to swim in a pool of lemon juice if it meant the wealthy could keep more money in their pockets. But lifting Arizona to 47th in per pupil spending?Republicans would do anything for tax cuts, but they won’t do that.”

~Jim Small, “Here’s How Much Republican Lawmakers Hate Spending on Schools” April 12, 2022

The Privatization Agenda

There's Money To Be Made Off Our Children

Years ago, out of state corporate interests found fertile soil in Arizona for their agenda to privatize our schools.

But Arizonans of every party have long held our public schools in high esteem as a pillar of our freedom.  Rightfully so. Public schools are fundamental to the American dream that everyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps.  Our Constitution mandates that the state provide a comprehensive education because it’s in the best interest of all of us to have an educated community.

So to undercut our public schools, privatizers have taken to using toxic, harmful rhetoric and attacks on teachers to divide us. 

Please watch this powerful video that explains how “critical race theory” fear mongering is being used to de-fund our public schools  – and share it with your friends. 

The bottom line is to turn us against the very schools that have been pillars in our community so that corporations can make a profit off the backs of our children. Kudos to veteran kindergarten teacher and Deer Valley District education leader Kelley Wendland Fisher and former Goldwater Institute lobbyist Charles Siler for the great insights.

We Need a New Legislature

We need to invest in public schools, address our housing, water, and healthcare crises – and protect our sacred freedom to vote. But we need YOUR help to do that.

We can’t flip every seat in the legislature, but we CAN flip at least five districts in the State House and Senate. And that will give us a seat at the table. 

Our district, LD2, is one of those districts. 

So, I’m asking you to do MORE than VOTE.   We must ALL step out of our comfort zones to knock doors, make calls, and host neighborhood parties to help get out the word about candidates like me for State House and Jeanne Casteen for State Senate.   

And we need you to donate.
Please donate TODAY at this link. Your dollars will be divided 50/50 between Jeanne and me. 

To learn more about other primary races, check out this handy guide from one of our best local media sources on Arizona government issues, the AZMirror.com


My Statement on Roe v. Wade


One More Thing…